发布人:  发布时间:2024-01-15   浏览次数:

周秋梅,女,19855月出生,博士,副研究员,中药学硕士生导师。近年来主持国家自然基金青年项目1项,安徽省自然科学基金项目1项,金沙集团3354第一附属医院优秀青年医学人才项目1项,参编专著1部,以第一作者或通讯作者在Analytical ChemistryGenomicsTalanta Microbiology Spectrum等杂志发表SCI论文多篇。主要研究方向:肝纤维化、中药药理和非编码RNAs

1. 主要社会兼职情况


2. 主持科研项目情况

1)国家自然科学基金青年项目,82004139LncRNA XR_378418竞争性结合miR-193a-3p调控PDGFR-α参与肝纤维化发病的机制及疏肝健脾方的干预作用,2021-012023-1224万元,在研,主持




3. 近年来发表有代表性学术论文

(1) Zhang Lili, Zhou Qiumei, Zhang Jiafu, Cao Kefeng, Fan Chang, Chen Sen, Jiang Hui*, Wu Furong**. Liver transcriptomic and proteomic analyses provide new insight into the pathogenesis of liver fibrosis in mice. Genomics. 2023-10-31, 115(6):110738.

(2) Du Bang, Zhang Fei, Zhou, Qiumei, Yu Zhidan, Li Lifeng, Yang Jianwei, Zhang Xianwei*, Zhou Chongchen*, Zhang Wancun*. Joint analysis of the metabolomics and transcriptomics uncovers the dysregulated network and develops the diagnostic model of high-risk neuroblastoma, Sci Rep. 2023-10-09, 13(1):16991.

(3) Qiumei Zhou, Xuebing Yin, Hanghang Zhang, Yulong Wang*. MicroRNA-like RNA Functions Are Required for the Biosynthesis of Active Compounds in the Medicinal Fungus Sanghuangporus vaninii. Microbiology Spectrum, 2022, 10(6): e0021922.

(4) Qiumei Zhou, Jiuxiang Wang, Hui Jiang, Gaofei Wang, Yulong Wang*. Deep sequencing of the Sanghuangporus vaninii transcriptome reveals dynamic landscapes of candidate genes involved in the biosynthesis of active compounds. Arch Microbiol.2021, 203(5):2315-2324.

(5) Qiumei Zhou, Yulong Wang, Jiajia Wang, Yating Liu, Dehui Qi, Wei Yao, Hui Jiang, Tingting Li, Kaiquan Huang, Wancun Zhang, Xingxing Huo. Prevalence and risk factor analysis for the nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Medicine 2021, 100(10):e24940.

(6) Wancun Zhang*, Pin Zhang, Fei Zhang, Weyland Cheng, Ying Xu, Yaodong Zhang, Lin Chen, Huanmin Wang, Qiumei Zhou*, Xianwei Zhang*. Real-time and rapid quantification of microRNAs in cells and tissues using target-recycled enzyme-free amplification strategy, Talanta, 2020, 217 (2020):121016.

(7) Qiumei Zhou, Ying Shao, Anhui Chen, Wanzhen Li, Jiuxiang Wang,Yulong Wang*. In vivo transcriptomic analysis of Beauveria bassiana reveals differences in infection strategies in Galleria mellonella and Plutella xylostella[J]. Pest Management Science, 2019, 75(5):1443-1452.

(8) Qiumei Zhou#, Yi Ma#, Zhaohui Wang, Ke Wang, Ruonan Liu, Zhihao Han, Min Zhang, Siwen Li, Yueqing Gu*.Optimized ultrasound conditions for enhanced sensitivity of molecular beacons in the detection of MDR1 mRNA in Living Cells, Analytical Chemistry, 2016, 88(5): 2808-2816.

4. 指导研究生情况


5. 联系方式
